One way to describe Arihanttec is to say we are absolutely dedicated to making your development organization faster, leaner and more Agile. In fact, we think helping you be "on time and on budget" is setting a pretty low bar for success.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Thursday, 19 July 2012
facebook login logout with codeigniter
Facebook login with our websites using codeigniter
It should present your controller: initially you should include the two files like facebook.php and base_facebook.php you can get this two libraries from following website..
controller name: home.php
class Home extends CI_Controller {
function __construct()
function index()
// $this->load->library('facebook');
$fb_config = array(
'appId' => '265991286842551',
'secret' => '****************************'
$this->load->library('facebook', $fb_config);
$user = $this->facebook->getUser();
if ($user) {
try {
$data['user_profile'] = $this->facebook->api('/me');
} catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
$user = null;
if ($user) {
$data['logout_url'] = $this->facebook->getLogoutUrl();
} else {
$data['login_url'] = $this->facebook->getLoginUrl();
class Home_model extends CI_Model {
function insert(){
$user_profile = $this->facebook->api('/me');
$this->db->where('fbid', $fbid);
return false;
$insert1=array (
'first_name' => $user_profile['first_name'],
'last_name' => $user_profile['last_name'],
'fbemail' => $user_profile['username'],
'current_location' => $user_profile['location']['name'],
'fbid' => $user_profile['id']
$this->db->insert('user' ,$insert1);
return true;
view :
<title>Facebook Sweetness</title>
<h1>Facebook stuff</h1>
<?php if (@$user_profile): ?>
<?php $user_profile['name'];?>
<?php // echo print_r($user_profile, TRUE) ?>
<a href="<?php echo $logout_url ?>">Logout of this thing</a>
<?php else: ?>
<h2>Welcome to this facebook thing, please login below</h2>
<a href="<?php echo $login_url ?>">Login to this thing</a>
<?php endif; ?>
For logout url:
$logoutUrl = $facebook->getLogoutUrl(array( 'next' => 'Your Redirect URL after logout', // URL to which to redirect the user after logging out ));
For login url:
if($user){ // Get logout URL $logoutUrl = $facebook->getLogoutUrl(); }else{ // Get login URL $loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array( 'scope' => 'read_stream, publish_stream, user_birthday, user_location, user_work_history, user_hometown, user_photos', )); }
from here we can get userbirthday and location user work history hometown , photos everything...
For getting profile picture:
echo "</br><img src='$user/picture?type=large'/>";
For getting email:
$loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array( 'scope' => 'email' ));
Friday, 13 July 2012
Template parser in codeigniter
Variable Pairs
$data = array(
'blog_title' => 'My Blog Title',
'blog_heading' => 'My Blog Heading',
'blog_entries' => array(
array('title' => 'Title 1', 'body' => 'Body 1'),
array('title' => 'Title 2', 'body' => 'Body 2'),
array('title' => 'Title 3', 'body' => 'Body 3'),
array('title' => 'Title 4', 'body' => 'Body 4'),
array('title' => 'Title 5', 'body' => 'Body 5')
$this->parser->parse('blog_template', $data);
blog_template view
Thursday, 12 July 2012
codeigniter pagination with search
This is the simple way to create the search function using pagination in codeigniter. it should be helpfull to those who need the search with pagination..
$post = $this->input->post('search');
$this->session->set_userdata('ser', $post);
$per_page = 2;
$total = $this->category_model->search_query_count();
$data['categoryList'] = $this->category_model->search_query($per_page, $this->uri->segment(4));
$base_url = base_url().'category/search_category/'.$post;
$config['base_url'] = $base_url;
$config['total_rows'] = $total;
$config['per_page'] = $per_page;
$config['uri_segment'] = '4';
$data['inactive'] = $this->category_model->inactive_category();
$data['active'] = $this->category_model->active_category();
$this->load->view('includes/template', $data);
function search_query_count(){
$post = $this->session->userdata('ser');
echo $post;
$query = $this->db->query('select count(id) as count from category where name LIKE "%'.$post .'%" or description like "%' . $post .'%"');
foreach($query->result() as $row)
return $row->count;
function search_query($limit = NULL, $offset = NULL)
$post = $this->session->userdata('ser');
echo $post;
$offset = 0;
echo $offset;
$this->db->like('name', $post);
$this->db->or_like('description', $post);
$this->db->order_by("id", "desc");
$this->db->limit($limit, $offset);
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
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